“Christ Life Fitness is a personalized fitness training designed to meet your own goals and needs. Derek Spann is extremely knowledgeable in how the muscles and the body works and uses that knowledge to train clients to get to their goals. His clients are all ages, fitness levels and come from all walks of life. He makes every person he works with feel comfortable. He caters each session to their specific needs and skill/fitness levels. *I’m a 58 yr old grandmother who never worked out before. I have arthritic knees and other health issues. He works with me to strengthen all of my muscles, including those around my knees. I can walk up and down stairs now! Everyone thinks I’ve lost weight. I haven’t (because I really haven’t tried) but I’ve done down at least one size in all clothes (some two) due to muscle development! I’ve also had meds reduced and hope to have them done completely soon. Don’t be afraid! You can do it with his help!*”
“He knows what I’m capable of and D pushes me to that point and beyond each time. He’s patient because yes, I do whine sometimes. But he knows how to create an inspiring environment and he helps me to develop the mindset not to give in because it’s difficult! He encourages me a lot and it’s always fun when he celebrates my successes more than I do! LOL! He’s a fantastically motivating coach and an innovative trainer (trust me…you haven’t seen half of these exercises before). There’s a reason they call him a “Beast”…because he’s. the best and there’s no one like him with this same amount of invested interest in his clients’ well-being and success!”
“When I put that same jacket on today, I immediately felt a difference…Thank you so much!!!!! All the pain and suffering you put me through is worth it!…I’m about to start wearing muscles shirts like you!!!!!!”
“Just wanted to let you know that I did lunges today and quads are a BIG thing pre op. Therapist said whoever trained you did a good job because you are very strong there and your form is great.”
“I look to the hills…my help comes from the Lord” (Ps. 121:1)