How long will it take me to reach my goals?
That answer varies based on the individual. There are many different variables to consider when selecting and achieving your health and fitness goals, like pre-existing health conditions, medications, and hereditary traits. Fortunately, Coach Derek can work with all of those uncontrollable factors, as long as you are willing to be consistent with adhering to the fitness and nutritional regimen that you have been assigned.
What type of workout should I do?
While any type of exercise is good for your overall health (See You Should Know page), the answer really depends on your personal goals. Someone who desires more muscle gains would have a completely different fitness regimen than someone who only desires to lose body weight and losing body weight is actually different from burning body fat. During your Free Consultation with Coach Derek, you can decide on your goals and he can design a fitness and nutritional regimen that works specifically for your health and fitness goals!
Are Macros really important?
YES! Though opinions vary on this topic, the facts are in—MACROS MATTER! The three macros are fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. These three collectively impact the overall state of your health as they contribute to fat storage, muscle building, organ functioning, and more. How you portion each macro determines the condition of your body and health. That’s why Coach Derek uses these macros as tools to better assist you in achieving you health and fitness goals!
How often should I work out?
Working out 3-5 days per week is what is typically suggested. You should work out at least 3 days to make sure you are adding enough physical activity to your fitness routine to see results. However, you should work out no more than 5 days per week to allow your muscles adequate time to rest. However, this may vary for some athletes or those training for fitness competitions or other events. Those athletes may train more often, but that is only for special occasions and under the supervision of a trained and licensed fitness trainer.
What should I eat before I work out?
Carbs! Your pre-workout meal is designed to fuel your body, regardless of the type of workout you will be doing. Your body is naturally designed to pull from the carbohydrates in your body for fuel or energy for the workout ahead—one of the reasons why you should never eliminate carbohydrates from your nutritional palette altogether, unless instructed by your primary health care physcian. Light carb sources are a cup of yogurt, a banana, peanut butter on saltine crackers or toast. Any one of these would make a great pre-workout meal as long as it is eaten 1 hour before the workout to give your body adequate time to digest the food properly and make it a ready source of energy for your workout.
What should I eat after I work out?
While this answer can vary depending on your individual health and fitness goals, as a general rule of thumb, you would want to consume a healthy amount of proteins, minerals, and vitamins after you work out to replenish your body. Good sources of minerals and vitamins will always be fruits and vegetables. Good sources of healthy protein are chicken, fish, or turkey and even a protein shake will suffice.